Executive Coach
Executive Coaching Services
london, sussex, UK and international clients
As an executive coach, I work with individuals to help them improve self awareness and unlock their full potential. We will identify and clarify goals, and the path to achievement. I can help you move beyond personal or professional obstacles and develop new leadership skills that will become lasting changes within your professional mindset.
I work with both high-potential employees that wish to break through the glass ceiling to reach executive level, as well as those that are already executive level, but wish to develop even further.
How does executive coaching work?
We determine exactly what it is that you really want to achieve and why - the “why” is just as important as the “what” because it tells us the motivating factors behind the ambition.

Key areas that we will review and work on during your personalised executive coaching program will be include;
- Identifying areas for development
- Defining goals
- Developing agreed milestones to support your development
- Motivation
- Work-life balance
- Developing your confidence and personal brand
- Communication and people skills
- Accountability
By working through these key areas, we will ultimately enhance your strategic thinking and emotional intelligence to garner more credibility and influence within the workplace. You’ll learn how to deal with difficult personalities and environments, develop healthy coping mechanisms for greater levels of stress and develop greater understanding of behaviour from peers and managers. Many clients have suggested working with me has also improved their home life - the changes are holistic.
What can executive coaching
do for you?
During our time working together, you’ll start to see positive changes within yourself that enable you to achieve your career objectives. These will include;
- Improvements in productivity
- Increased self awareness
- More effective communication skills
- Strengthened working relationships
Take action today - contact me now!